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Perfect kettle corn!...

Kettle corn
The reason I like to pop my own popcorn is I prefer olive oil to butter.  Here is my recipe for kettle corn. Play around with it to find the exact mix of flavors you like!
½ cup popping corn
8 tablespoons olive oil (use one with a light flavor, or try grapeseed oil)
½ cup sugar
2 tablespoons coarse sea salt
Put kernels and most of the oil in the bottom of a very large pot. Place over low heat and cover. You will hear the kernels popping very rapidly, just like you would in a microwave. Occasionally AND VERY CAREFULLY, jiggle the pot to ensure even cooking. When the popping slows, remove from heat. After all popping has stopped, take the lid off and pour the popped corn into a big bowl. Drizzle with more oil if needed, and add sugar and salt.
(Hint – I like to eat popcorn with chopsticks.  It slows down my eating, keeps my hands from getting greasy, and it’s fun!)
Collis, Sweet Life staff
